Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How Much Compensation For Ankle Sprain Badly Sprained Ankle In A Car Accident.. How Much Compo?

Badly sprained ankle in a car accident.. how much compo? - how much compensation for ankle sprain

Hello, I'm in a car accident last year that was not my fault. So I am torn ligaments and suffered a sprained ankle, which put me any more weight on it for 5 days and I still had to be executed because of it.

It was 4 months ago. I have not heard the claim, but my lawyer is working. Has anyone a rough idea of how much money I have? .. if!


Tickety Boo said...

Injury claims were pending files, which are factors to consider include pain and suffering, loss of income, lack of work placed where the potential loss of mobility (long term) and other factors

Therefore, their injuries were described, a medical perspective, compensation, not entirely seriously, and certainly not life-threatening

Only think I'm willing to negotiate a settlement figure, which I did not put their medical records or accident reports from police
Maximum of £ 2,000, with a little luck - everything that you would also be beneficial.

The advice I give
Do not accept the first offer you receive,
If your Solictor recognizes that it is more than just under the circumstances.

Good luck and be ready a few months, others waitNTHS before the first offer.

ZCT said...

Fight for every cent. They have suffered if it is not their fault, but the person who caused the accident, an insurance company they work for, which is responsible, as little as possible. Fight for what we believe are reasonable.

mnwomen said...

Medical expenses, loss of earnings, if any, and perhaps a little more for the pain. I've lost $ 2000 of my wages and medical expenses.

Max Hoopla said...

Just enough to keep it interesting for a lawyer.

zulu 123 said...

between £ 1,500 and £ 3000 I would suggest

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